


my name is Chris­ti­an Vat­ter. I live in Ber­lin and run Rle­van­ce, a mar­ke­ting consultancy.

I am a trai­ned psy­cho­lo­gist and have been working as Mar­ke­ting and Design Stra­te­gist for the past 18 years.

As a crea­ti­ve pro­blem sol­ver, I help my cli­ents con­nect bet­ter with cus­to­mers. As a sys­temic thin­ker, I inte­gra­te a wide ran­ge of mar­ke­ting disci­pli­nes like Brand, Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, and Touch­point / Ser­vice / Cus­to­mer Experience.

I have strong skills in qua­li­ta­ti­ve rese­arch, project/process design, human-cen­te­red design, design manage­ment, and run­ning manage­ment workshops.

I worked in 8 coun­tries and 30 dif­fe­rent indus­tries. I got to know 60 dif­fe­rent orga­niz­a­ti­ons and their uni­que chal­len­ges. I ser­ved cli­ents from small inno­va­ti­ve star­tups to big brands like Mer­ce­des-Benz, Voda­fone, Micro­soft, Goog­le, Swiss­com, or the City of Melbourne.

Topics I offer (as sprint, work­shop, spea­ker, trai­ning, or coa­ching):
– Visi­on quests for manage­ment
– Cus­to­mer rese­arch tools & pro­ces­ses
– Cus­to­mer jour­ney map­ping 
– Brand posi­tio­ning / brand stra­te­gy
– Cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence stra­te­gy
– Expe­ri­ence / ser­vice bran­ding
– Retail design / space design stra­te­gy
– Cus­to­mer centric organizations

Catch me via email or Lin­kedIn for a pro­fes­sio­nal exchan­ge or if you have a real­ly tri­cky challenge.
